
February 28th, 2011

Okay, so you want to change some parts of your life but you don’t know where or how to start. This calls for a breakout. You need to breakout because you are in prison. It’s a prison that was created out of your beliefs and programming but the good news is that the keys to your cell are in your pocket, always were. Your cell is your day to day routine. You believe your routine to be fixed and inflexible and so you lock yourself into it. It is neither fixed nor inflexible. It’s your beliefs. You can do anything you want with them.

Okay, so that amazing realization gets you to unlock your cell but you are still in prison. Just because you have turned your day around doesn’t necessarily mean that you have turned your life around. This is where most people give up and lock themselves back inside their cell but not you! No sirree Bob, you are made of sterner stuff and you are going to change! First, you are going to have to find a way to get past the guards of doubt and the guards of old programs. Then, if you can get past the people you thought were friends but want you to stay in your cell which is actually quite similar to their cells, you are free.

The breakout plan goes like this; We plan what we want to change and we write it down. We shed all the things we have been wearing, old hurts, self criticism, belittling self talk, anger and jealousy. We will never get over the wall with that much weight. We put on a smile, fill ourselves with gratitude and drop the drama. No one will think it is us! The guards of doubt and old programs don’t even come close. When we get to the front door we fill our self with love and self assurance and we bolt for the wall of change.

That’s when we get our biggest surprise. The wall of change is only one foot high. See, if you believe you can change and you take action, change is easy.
Psssst! We breakout as soon as you are ready. Pass it on!

(c)2011 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride