
February 23rd, 2015

Into every life, indecision will descend like a thick fog completely obscuring our clarity. We beg, plead and pray for a sign, any sign. We ask friends, loved ones and Google to help us make the right choice. Paralysis starts to creep in. Weeping may come but won’t help. A full range of emotions comes but the fog persists.

It seems that the more important the outcome, the stronger the indecision becomes. Do I? Don’t I? It consumes you after a while and finally you reach that moment when you must decide and ….you still don’t know!

First of all, know this. You CAN’T make the wrong decision. Even no decision isn’t the wrong decision. EVERY decision you make or don’t make is another building block in your life. You are going to make decisions that don’t turn out the way you expect and you are going to find strength you didn’t know you had in order to make it better (Growth). You are going to make decisions that turn out right but you are going to brag about it and lose friends (Growth). You are going to forego making a decision and regret it (Growth). You are going to make decisions and they will be the best thing that ever happened to you (Growth). You are going to influence the way others see you with the way you decide(Growth).

Life is all about growth and growth is the product of every decision. When faced with a decision, go ahead and make it. Make it with gusto. Make it with certainty whether you feel it or not. If you are wrong you’ll learn humility. If you are right you look like a boss. Either way you’ll grow. Every single person, pant and creature on this planet is born to grow. You will never be an exception to that. Go ahead make a decision. You can’t get it wrong. On your mark, get set, GROW!

(c)2015 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life



January 5th, 2015

How do you make a decision when you can’t seem to make a decision? Few things in life are as exasperating as coming to a fork in the river and both paths have seemingly equal merit. The river is flowing fast and the choice will soon have to be made! Which one do you take? Which one is a mistake?

You can pray and meditate and contemplate but you will still hear conflicting voices in your head. You can read and research and ask advice but you will only accumulate more evidence for each choice.

We have been conditioned all of our lives to not make mistakes. Mistakes are bad. Mistakes are the difference between success and failure. Mistakes are filled with regrets and the gnashing of teeth. Mistakes diminish who we are. Woe to the person who makes too many mistakes!

Poppycock!! Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are the greatest teachers. Most, if not all, mistakes are realized as blessings as time goes on. The only people who don’t make mistakes are the dead. Living is filled with twists and turns and clouded visions that we interpret as best as we can. Hindsight is the only real clarity and it’s useless.

Faced with a decision, follow your gut and your heart and without hesitation, go for it! Make a decision.There is no adventure, no growth, no story to tell without mistakes. Will you ever be wrong? Of course you will! You are a learning, experiencing, human being.

Some decisions will feel good right away and others will have to go through the process of first being labeled a mistake until time and wisdom rewrites it as a blessing.

So go ahead and choose. You can’t lose.

(c)2015 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life



September 24th, 2012

(You are Wonderful!)

How do you make the right decision? You have gone back and forth, first thinking one way and then the other a hundred times. You’ve lit candles, flipped coins and tossed crumpled up paper into the wastepaper basket from a fair distance figuring if it goes in you’ve made the right choice. You really want to choose BUT what if you choose wrong? Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

First of all, let’s get this straight. There is no award for making it all the way through life always guessing right. In fact I think there’s a penalty for that. Secondly, what looks at first glance to be the wrong choice can turn out to be the best choice you ever made. Thirdly, no matter how hard you pray, God will not make the choice for you but will absolutely, positively help you with whatever choice you do make. Fourthly, the only thing that is stopping you from making a choice is fear. Not fear of a bad outcome but fear of blame. Fifthly, sixthly and beyond; right, wrong or indifferent, you grow from each decision that you make. There is nothing else that grows you faster.

So, when a decision is looming, do the right thing, make a decision. Any decision is better than none. Not making a decision is an affirmation that you are weak. The longer you delay, the more you reinforce this weakness. Put it off long enough and you will paralyze yourself into not making any decision about anything.

So, how do you make the right decision? You set a deadline and you make a vow to yourself to make a decision before that time. When that time approaches, you go for it. That act signals to yourself and to the Universe that you are not someone to be trifled with. You are a person who makes decisions. And what happens if it’s the wrong decision? You take full responsibility and you grow some more.

(c)2012 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride