The Year of You!

January 2nd, 2012

This new year is a special one and I imagine that you already have that feeling but what you may not know is that this year is special not because of what will happen in the world but because of what will happen with you. This is definitely, unequivocally, without any doubt, The year of YOU! That’s right, this is your year.

You have reached a point in your life where you have everything you need to fulfill your dreams. You have thought enough, studied enough, talked enough, worried enough, experienced enough and now you get to use it all! There are no caveats. This really is your year. All you have to do is believe and go right on believing. That’s it!

You don’t have to change a thing. You just have to walk your talk. That’s right, just walk your talk. Start doing what you have been preaching to others. Start owning up to power inside of you. Start believing in you like you tell others to believe in themselves. Start giving pep talks to yourself instead of condemnation. Do what you tell others! Walk that talk of yours! Be happy. Be grateful.

One more seminar or sermon or book or course or bit of travel will not put you finally in that place of confidence in yourself. Only your uncompromising belief in your own unlimited possibilities will do that. This is your year. Do not hide your light under a basket anymore. Do not wait for some magic turnaround.

You can ask, beg, plead, pray, meditate, contemplate and light candles but all is useless until you start telling you: “This is the day I begin to live my life not in response to someone or something else but in complete harmony with my highest aspiration, my dreams. This is the day that, come hell or high water, I begin to like myself enough to create instead of worry. This is the day that I will look back and say it began that day.” This is the year of you and the celebration starts as soon as you say so. Ready? Let’s start this party!

(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


You can’t change them!

September 21st, 2010

You’ve made a few mistakes. You’ve learned many of life’s important lessons and you have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn’t. So far so good. The missing point here is that this is all about you! When are you going to realize that other people feel just as right and fixed in their beliefs as you do? When are you going to realize that YOU CAN’T CHANGE ANYONE? What could someone possibly say that would make you change your ways? Oh, I know, your ways don’t need to be changed. That’s the way most people feel!
Everyone is going to grow in a way that they feel is right for them. That means that your children, friends, lovers and spouses are not determining what they do by how you feel but by how they feel and how they feel is a product of their thoughts and not yours. You can advise them, pray for them, give them books to read but the best way to influence them is by being someone that they wish to emulate. When you are the happiest, most loving, most compassionate person that you can be they MAY want to copy you. There is no guarantee that they will. Whether they choose to copy you or not, know that by being the best that you can be, you will have made a success of the life you have been given and that is all about you.


Giving Advice

May 24th, 2010

Go ahead and give advice. You’ve experienced quite a bit of life and you should share what you have learned and you should try to help. BUT there are a few rules. First, yes you are eminently qualified to give advice but sometimes a friend needs a good listener way more than they need a good advice giver. Second, what they do with your advice is totally up to them. It’s like giving half of your bagel to someone. They are free to eat it or keep it for later or throw it out when you aren’t around. Third, have patience. Sometimes your advice is a flower that they enjoy right away and sometimes your advice is a seed that will sprout later under better conditions. Fourth, you should never guilt or cajole someone into following your advice. You could be wrong. Fifth and final, always, always, always love them no matter what they do with your advice. You’ve been where they are or you would have had no advice to give. And if you’ve been there you know how important it is to feel loved.

©2010 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride