
September 29th, 2014

Imagine you go to the gym and hire a trainer and his plan is for you to never struggle even the slightest bit in any exercise. How fast would you reach your goals? Imagine that you come upon a friend when you are out shopping and they tell you that they have worked out every single day for several years. They also tell you that five years ago they couldn’t lift three pounds and now they can. Is that progress?

Most of us have this terrible equation embedded in our thoughts. That equation is struggle, struggle, reward and finish struggling. It may sound good as a fantasy but it isn’t life. The correct equation is struggle, grow, struggle, grow. That’s life!

You struggle with a cold as a child and your immune system grows strong enough to defeat a more serious one years later. You struggle through a bad relationship so that you can grow in wisdom. You struggle with finances so that you can grow in your vision of the worth of things. You struggle with school so that you can grow your earnings.

Seeing someone moaning and crying at the gym because they have to lift a weight would lead you to believe they weren’t serious about growth. On the other hand, watching someone struggle and then smile at their reflection in the mirror tells you that they are pleased with their results of their struggle.

Don’t moan about your struggles. Gratitude isn’t just for the bright, shiny things in your life. Gratitude is also for the struggles that make you a better, stronger person. Embrace your struggles. Give thanks for your struggles. Reap the wisdom and strength that you know is coming from your struggles. They are not knocking you down. They are building you up.

(c)2014 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life



August 1st, 2011

Why are you struggling?
You know that basically you are a good person. You never do anything horrible. Your give plenty of your time to your friends in need. You have a good relationship with God. You live by the rules. You say your prayers. All in all, you would say that you are a good person. So, where’s your reward? Why do you have to struggle? Why is it such a grind to just get a little bit ahead? Why do you suffer?

The answer to all the questions is… start making better choices. In each and every moment choose to feel good. The golden key – your feeling good is not up to anyone else but YOU! There is no greater expression of free will than choosing to feel good regardless of any and all circumstances. Exercise that freedom. No one can do it for you. Choose to minimize the time with people that make you feel down and maximize the time with the people that make you feel uplifted. Choose to think positively about your future instead of thinking negatively about the future of the world. Choose to see challenges instead of obstacles. Choose to live fully instead of just surviving and hold to that vision no matter what. Choose to be grateful every moment for the simple fact that you have another chance to make everything better. Keep hitting the refresh button.

Your life can start to improve this very moment IF you will drop the drama, forget the gossip, jettison the baggage, stop complaining, give up the idea that struggling is part of your life,put on a happy face and make your happiness a priority. Is it selfish? Only if you think making everyone around you and everyone who loves you feel better by bringing your happiness into their lives is selfish. Ask yourself constantly…Am I sharing my happiness or my misery? Which do I really want to give as a gift to my friends and loved ones?

Struggle or smile…your choice. One feels really, really good.

(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride