
November 9th, 2015

 They say that tomorrow never comes but it’s just semantics. Tomorrow will be here and when it is born, there will be a name change. It will be called Today but just for 24 hours. 

​ Are you planning for tomorrow? Or maybe you are fearing tomorrow? Or maybe it’s just another day? Let me tell you about tomorrow before it gets here.

​ Tomorrow gets here tonight at midnight. It takes a new name and it lives for just a day. In that day, provided you have the good fortune to live for all 24 hours, you’ll have both the power and the ability to change your life for the better. In fact the changes that you make could positively affect the rest of your life.

 A period of time with that much potential cannot be taken for granted or ignored. Tomorrow is a gift that is coming to you with no strings attached. You can be grateful, surly, peaceful, resentful or any one of the seven dwarfs. 

​ Sure there’s some limits on what is possible in one day but depending upon the choices you make, you can alter the course of your life one way or another. 

 Ask yourself now, Do I want tomorrow to be like today? Do I want my thoughts to be the same? Do I want the same view of myself? If the answer is yes, go ahead and strengthen your resolve. If the answer is no, write a new script for the coming day. Get a piece of paper and write out not a to do list but a how I am going to deal with all I have to do list.

 What mood will dominate your day? Who will be reminded of how much you love them? How will you approach your reflection in the mirror? Will your words be criticisms or praise? 

 You have wished for great opportunities. Well, tomorrow is coming and it could be the beginning of the best time of your life. Yep, it’s that powerful. Ready?

(c)2015 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life



October 27th, 2014

What if tomorrow started the absolute best time of your life? Not Annie’s “The sun will come out tomorrow” tomorrow but the actual day after this one. The one that starts tonight at midnight.

I know, we’ve all been told to live in the present and I’m not rebelling against that. In fact I’m all for it. I want you to be in this moment preparing for the beginning of the rest of your life starting tomorrow.

​ What could you do tomorrow that would change your life for the better? Would you start meditating, exercising, dancing, scuba diving, knitting or any one of an infinite number of activities? Would you be happy and positive regardless of what’s going on?

Would you wake up preplanned to love yourself, to see yourself in a better light, to start anew? Would you give yourself another chance tomorrow? Would you put on your warrior, monk, philanthropist, student, teacher or lover mask and wear it until it becomes you?

Let’s face it. You and I have already judged today and found it wanting in certain areas. We know we could do better. Tomorrow, the greatest opportunity so far will present itself. The opportunity to be a better you, a more grateful you.

Tomorrow will be a lot like today or it will be a golden, multicolored, symphonic start to the rest of your life. Can you wake up tomorrow without complaints, without regrets, without frustration or agitation? Can you wake up starting to be the person you always wanted to be? The answer is a gigantic YES I CAN!

Everything that comes into being has a start. A better you can’t happen without a start. Tomorrow is your chance to wake up and start. If not tomorrow, when? Go for it!

(c)2014 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life