How Big?

May 14th, 2012

How big is your life? You know the size of your room and your height and your waist but what is the size of your life? Is it a big life, one growing with ideas and openness to whatever comes or is it a small life, concerned with surviving and stepping around obstacles and praying nothing bad befalls you?

A big life has very little to do with work and chores and obligations. You can have a small life and still be run ragged with a million things to do. A big life is a life that is filled with trust and faith. It is a life that says “Oh Dear God, I dislike what is happening but I know it is all for the best and I trust you.” It is a life that says ” I am going to make a positive difference in the short time I am alive.”

A small life says “Oh Dear God, please don’t let any problems, health issues or financial or relationship issues negatively affect me or anyone I care about.” It is a life that wants a story book existence (forgetting of course that all story books are about problems that have to be overcome!) so that there will be no need for sleepless nights or soul searching. It is a life that says “I don’t want to give up any of my pleasures but I want the results as if I did.”

Live large! Whatever comes your way, without exception, is helping you to grow. No matter how big your problems, realize that in your pain is an alarm clock. You are being awakened. You are being taken from your slumber and told to remember your dreams and to start making them a reality.

When you decide to live large, you will become a bigger target for fools and problems but the bigger you live, the smaller those things will seem. You are not here to be stopped by your problems but to grow bigger because you encountered them and to step over them and keep going. Whatever problems there are in your life, know that you are as big as you think you are. Think positive, powerful, big thoughts! It’s who you really are.

(C) 2012 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


Shake it up!

May 24th, 2011

Most days, we have a routine. We try to not let anything bad happen, have on hand what’s needed for dinner and communicate with the people we need to communicate with, worry about money, make some definite plans for tomorrow and make some vague plans for “someday”. That’s about it. Do you see why a shake up is necessary? Life is screaming to be expressed through you. Life wants experiences. Life wants love. Life wants to affirm its existence in you and through you.

Let’s make it happen! Tomorrow morning as you get out of bed and your feet touch the floor, Say “I’m” as one foot touches and say “Grateful” as the other foot touches the floor. Never forget this for the rest of your life. If you forget, when you remember, go back and sit on the bed and get up again the right way. There is no better way to touch the earth each morning. Figure out a different breakfast for tomorrow, tonight! Think of four people who you are going to make sure that they know you love them tomorrow and tell them or do something special for them. Small or large. Pick the naughtiest thing you can imagine and write it down and keep it in your pocket all day. Drop a one dollar bill in a parking lot or street when no one is looking and imagine the joy you just bought for one dollar when someone finds it especially if you do it by a school or playground. Send a thank you e-mail to someone. Write down three good things about yourself. Spend a minute looking at them. Say one prayer for everyone in the world, no exceptions. Take a conscious breath and smile.

Shaking things up doesn’t mean flying off to Tahiti. It means waking up to what is around you. It means becoming aware of your ability to make a difference in other people’s lives. It means that you take an active role in your existence. It means that you live a little larger. That you smile more. That you become an active participant in your life. That you grab the wheel and switch off the autopilot even for a little while. Life wanted me to tell you that your tomorrow looks awesome! Be there!

(c)2011 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


New Seeds

March 29th, 2010

Every gardener and farmer knows that you can’t harvest something new if you haven’t planted something new. Are you tired of struggling? Are you tired of being tired? If there is anything in your life that you want to change you must identify it clearly, state your intention to change it and take action. When you truly want to change all or part of your life, the most important action that you can take is to change your self-talk.

Every morning we wake up and we start planting seeds with every word and picture we think. If they are the same old words and pictures, we are going to have exactly the same old harvest! If we want to harvest something new, we must plant something new. We must use different words, imagine different pictures and then we will harvest the bounty from those new seeds.
You absolutely can change what you are getting and all you have to do is to change what you are planting. You can do it!

©2010 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


You are great!

January 1st, 2010

Happy New Year! I wanted to take this moment and let you know that you are standing on the threshold of the very best time of your life. All that you have read and studied, all that you have dreamed and fantasized about, all that you have been taught by two legged teachers and four legged teachers and by experience and tears has been to fully equip you for this wonderful time. You are ready. Get rid of your doubts again and again and again. Walk your beliefs. Breathe your beliefs. Be your beliefs. You know what you want and you know what is right and good for you. Bring joy and consciousness to everything that you do. Don’t expect everything you do to bring consciousness and joy to you! You are and always have been a generator of love and joy. TURN UP THE VOLUME. Fill your life with what feels right to you. Acknowledge your problems but spend ALL of your time and energy on the solutions not on the problems.
The clarion call has gone out and it’s playing reveille! It’s time to wake up and create your joy and it’s time to let any and all negatives pass right by you like leaves in the wind. Forget the leaves! You’re after the bloomin’ flowers! Love and Blessings, Patrick