THE rules vs YOUR rules.

Every time we play a game for the first time, one of the first things we ask is “What are the rules?” and every time we play after that we abide by those rules. The biggest game by far and definitely the one with the most players is the game of life. “What are the rules?” The true answer is that there are rules but they can change without notification. “That’s not fair!” Of course it’s not. No more so than when you were young and you complained to your parents about the disparity between the way you were being raised and the way those you thought more fortunate were being raised. Life isn’t fair and neither are most of the rules.

The truth of the matter is that THE rules don’t matter. YOUR rules do. THE rules say you should act a certain way. YOUR rules say you should act in a way that honors you and lets you sleep well at night. THE rules say that age dictates what is appropriate. YOUR rules say that you can do anything you damn well please at any age if it honors you. THE rules say that there is a certain way of doing things. YOUR rules say that you are free to find a better way. THE rules say what is right or wrong about loving. YOUR rules say that you are as free to love as you are to breathe. THE rules say that you need to follow a certain route to get to the top. YOUR rules say that you can blaze a trail if you can’t find one that fits. THE rules say that you have to put up with a certain amount of BS. YOUR rules say NO BS! THE rules say you have to be nice to certain people. YOUR rules say only if they deserve it. THE rules say you have to give up at a certain point. YOUR rules say that only you can make that call. THE rules say who you have been is who you are. YOUR rules say that the flower bears no resemblance to the way the seed looked. THE rules say to be quiet. YOUR rules say go ahead and sing.

If you follow THE rules and life doesn’t work out the way you thought it would, it’s unfair and maybe you should have done it your way. If you follow YOUR rules and life doesn’t work out the way you thought it would, it’s unfair but damn, you really lived. GAME ON! YOUR rules or THE rules???

(c)2011 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


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