
An earthquake can be devastating, destroying in a moment things that took years to build. After all of the crying, the cleaning up, the healing, everything is rebuilt but this time much stronger. There is still moments of sadness and scars upon the heart but life goes on and strength is found.
A worthquake is even more devastating than an earthquake because you are alone in your suffering. There is no outpouring of help from around the world. There is just you and the pain. Worthquakes strike every life and most come very unexpectedly. Your self worth is damaged as badly as a building that is reduced to rubble. There is crying and sadness but there is also the beginning of healing. It is unnoticed at first but it starts with the first tear. There is no red cross that shows up but there are Angels from Heaven. There’s nothing in the newspapers but there’s a poem or song or saying that somehow speaks to you. One day it dawns on you that the cleanup is done and the healing is almost complete. You also realize that you haven’t taken inventory lately and when you do you find that everything is stronger. Everything is brighter. Everything is good. And it is.

©2010 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


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