You owe yourself

You may owe the bank or a store or a doctor or a friend but the most important debt you owe is to yourself. You owe yourself happiness, as much as you can give. There is no one on this planet that can pay that debt for you. You and you alone are in charge of paying it. When you came into this world there were people who were responsible for your survival but you were and still are responsible for your happiness. Others can and have made you content but full blown happiness is yours and only yours to give to yourself. You may give it to yourself as honest praise for what you have done or you may give it to yourself as a vacation or the fulfillment of a dream or a wish. You may give it to yourself by opening to the splendors of this world or you may give it to yourself by bringing joy to someone else. You may give it to yourself by embracing the spiritual or by changing your priorities. You may give it to yourself merely by being kind to yourself for a change. You may give it to yourself as the gift of a book, a tune, a movie, a sweet, a dream, a smile, a fantasy. Make your happiness a priority. If you sacrifice your happiness for the happiness of another the net gain for the world is ZERO! Embrace happiness for yourself and then share it with as many people as you can and you will make a wonderful, marvelous, joyful difference for you and the world.

(c)2011 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


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