I love you

June 18th, 2018

When “I love you” becomes a litmus test of current feelings we lose all the power of those precious words.
“I love you” 

“Yeah, me too” —-Oh-oh! Something may be wrong!

“I love you”

“Uh-huh” —–Crap! Somethings is wrong

“I love you”


Repeating “I LOVE YOU!”
(crickets)  —–OMG! It’s over! 

Softly, with light touching “I really do love you”

“Oh, I’m sorry darling! I was preoccupied with something and wasn’t paying attention. I love you very much” The sun comes out and a chorus of angels starts to sing and all’s right in the world.

Loving someone and expressing that love is full and complete within itself. There is no need to hunger for a response. Learn to express your love UNCONDITIONALLY. Your joy should be in saying these precious words. 

When we say I love you only to hear a response we dilute the power and the bliss of those powerful words. We subconsciously learn that “I love you” isn’t enough. It isn’t complete until it is returned with the same or better tone than when we said it.

One of the tragedies with this thinking is that we are subconsciously weakening our Divine connection. When we speak our love to God or the Universe and we don’t hear a reply we unconsciously believe that there is something wrong with our Divine relationship. We have learned to expect a immediate response to our words.

​​​​​​​Say “I love you” with your whole heart and soul every time you say it. What comes next should be the great satisfaction of knowing that you love and that you are strong enough to express it. 

“But, Patrick, what do I say when someone says “I love you” and they are expecting a reply?” 

How about “Thank you for loving me and I love you too.” You acknowledge their love for you (amazing and important for you and them!) and then you speak from your heart. 

Awakened love beats rote love every time. 


Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.

(c)2018 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride 


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