Happy New Year

The confetti has been cleaned up. The party stuff is gone. The cheers and the toasts have faded. What is left though is our determination to begin anew, new plans, new goals, new dreams, new this, new that. Even though the party is over we are still holding on to the newness, hoping this time it won’t fade. The truth of the matter is that it will fade. Nothing stays new forever but that’s not the problem. We still remember that it is a new year but after the first day we drop the word HAPPY. That’s right, we said it hundreds of times. We thought it and read it hundreds more times. And yet one day into the new year and it’s gone. The problem is that we have forgotten the HAPPY in happy new year. The NEW will fade the YEAR will pass but the happy can be there for you at all times if you will but work on it.
One year from now, God willing, you and I will look back and judge 2011. Our criteria for whether it was a good year or a not so good year will be the same as when we looked back this year – Did my happiness outweigh my worry? Did last year promote or curtail my future happiness? Well you know what? Next years answers are in your hands right now. Your happiness or lack thereof is going to be determined by how many people you made happy and that includes yourself. Politics, economy and family will play a much smaller role then you believe. The larger part will be your commitment to happiness regardless of external influences. It will be your dedication to making life a little brighter for yourself and everyone around you. It will be your choosing of love over drama, compassion over ego, charity over greed, smiling over frowning and caring over cynicism that will make all the difference. You can do it. HAPPY new year!
(c)2010 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride www.PatrickInspires.com


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