Feeling Gratitude

We all know that gratitude is a beneficial addition to any life. So, when the idea of gratitude comes to mind, we mentally grab ahold of some possession, experience or loved one and express a moment of gratitude by mentally or vocally stating “Thank you” for whatever the chosen blessing is at that moment. And our day continues.

​​​​​​​Is that it? Hardly. Just because we say or think we are grateful for something does not mean that we have truly entered the realm of gratitude. 

The benefits of gratitude are given freely only to those who can FEEL grateful. The benefits of gratitude come not from the right words but from the total immersion of our being into the feeling of gratitude.

For instance, if you want to be grateful for a loved one you can bring to mind their face and utter a thank you. But note the difference when you bring to mind not just their face but exactly how you feel when they are close to you. By keeping your focus for more than just a mere moment you can FEEL the joy spread to every cell in your body. You spontaneously smile at the remembrance of their smiles and laughter and hugs. You can feel the joy course through your body. At that moment you have tremendous gratitude for them in your life and for the feeling that the thought of them elicits from your very being.

Focus on your gratitude not just until the right words are finished but until the joy of those words and pictures are felt in every cell in your body.

The realm of gratefulness is filled with a heavenly, beautiful feeling and that is the true reward of gratitude. Every cell in your being rejoices and renews itself when you take the time to tune into the FEELING of gratefulness. Feel it and enjoy.

​​​​​Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2018 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride 


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