Info Hunger

There are things we have control over and there are things we don’t have control over. The whole world? Not so much. Our little corner of the world? Sorry. Not so much either. Ourselves? More than you believe. 

The bad news is that we are programmed. I’m not talking about some tin foil hat conspiracy. I’m talking about the programming that comes with us as we enter this world. The good news is that we have the ability to override and redirect all of it.

For instance, we are programmed to survive. Try holding your breath until you die, not going to happen. But even this can be overridden. Consider the person that goes voluntarily into harms way to help another person knowing it’s a good possibility that death awaits, they will do it anyway.

One of the most important programs that influences our life is that we are programmed to want, absorb and digest every bit of information that we can get our hands on. 

News outlets, advertisers and social media creators are aware of our programmed need for more and more info. It doesn’t matter if it is relevant or not. It doesn’t even matter if it appears slightly untrue. Our desire for info is an all consuming, endless hunger for more and more. Gossip is our salad. News that we heard first is our delicious entree. Facts that are meaningless and waste our time and bring on guilt for consuming are our decadent desserts.

Are we bound by our programming to spend our lives living like info junkies remaining agitated until we read or hear something of interest? No!

​​​​​​​We cannot delete the program that dictates our hunger for more info. It is what propels us to add to the advancement of of creation itself BUT we can and should be discerning of the info we choose to feast on. 

Our mood, our health, our relationships are all influenced greatly by what info we are devouring. There is a universe size buffet out there for our feasting and we are what we eat. If we gorge ourselves with antagonistic info we are going to be arguing with everyone else. If we fill up on heroes and doers of selfless deeds we are going to shine a little brighter ourselves. If we drink heavily of the wrongs of this world we will become drunk with pessimism. If we feast on the doings of those who did the impossible we may feel the urge to take another step toward our dreams.

It is not what the world is doing. It is what info we are feeding ourselves every day that affects us the most. Want to feel better, do better, be better? Think better thoughts. Want to think better thoughts? Ingest more that uplifts you. Turn off and turn away from that which wastes your time and darkens your mood. 

Oh yea, and for dessert? A little laughter is a very good choice.

​​​​​​​Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2018 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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