Love is soft

Is love really the answer? Life seems so full of hard things like brutality and sickness and pain and death. Love on the other hand seems so soft and willowy. 

How could love in any way, shape or form stand up to the hard things in life. G.I.Joe and Marvel super heroes might have a chance but love? Get real.

Let me ask, if you got into a big fight with a bunch of hardened thugs who would you want to show up on your side? Would it be Mother Theresa and the Dalai Lama or would it be Thor and the Hulk?

Would the Hulk smash your adversaries? Of course he would but then what? Some of your adversaries would heal and come after you again. Some of their friends and families would start a vendetta on you and everyone you hold dear. In other words it would never stop. A small Pyrrhic victory at best.

In a world of instant gratification love doesn’t seem to hold its own or does it? 

Contrary to popular opinion love doesn’t just sit in your heart waiting to be called on. Your heart is a transformer. It takes the love from the spiritual realms and flows it through you in a way you can handle. If it wasn’t there the high voltage love would come straight through you and you would be walking around all your life like a third grader who just got a daisy from the other third grader who was equally infatuated. 

Being “in the flow” actually means having love flow through you. It’s the best, most perfect feeling in life. It makes anything seem possible and the fact is that in this state everything is possible.

So, is love really soft? Yes it is. It wasn’t a giant knife that made the Grand Canyon. It was water. It was soft, continuous water. And therein lies the answer. A continuous flow of love coming through us makes us strong, super hero strong. It makes us feel like life is good and purpose is achieved.

Sometimes the flow of love just starts and sometimes we have to prime the pump with memories or teachings or just peace and quiet.

The best part is that you are in charge of the flow of love in your life.The flow of love allows you to think better, feel better and be better. Think about the people, pets and places you love and in that very moment you will feel the flow begin. Practice, practice, practice and you will find yourself to be stronger than ever in every way.

One added bonus is that as the love flows through you it feeds you too. Drink deeply. 

Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2019 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

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