
Hit the pause button and take deep breath, turn off the news and look around. 

Look around and truthfully answer this question: Am I adding to the darkness or the light in my world? 

If you get upset because a loved one is ill, good for you. If you get frustrated because you want more for those you love, right on. If you are outraged at the suffering you see, you have a heart. But…

If you get upset because someone said or wrote something that you disagree with then you are making mountains out of molehills. If you get angry because your loved ones don’t think and act like you do, you don’t understand freedom. If you are fixated on the next bit of news instead of the next bit of joy, you are starving yourself. 

If you want to find more joy in your life guess what? You have to plant it. Your thoughts are your seeds. Are you constantly thinking about what could go wrong? Hello anxiety harvest!

Are you thinking about the things that you can do nothing about but you get angry anyway? Hello poor health harvest!

Are you thinking about your worries instead of your blessings? Hello stress harvest!

Are you thinking about the people and pets who have loved you? Hello gratitude harvest!

Are you thinking about the times of fun and laughter? Hello joy harvest!

Are you thinking about a brighter future? Hello possibility harvest!

If you do hit the pause button and take a deep breath and look around you just might find a big surprise. The darkness and the lightness of your world is governed by a beautiful dimmer switch and the big surprise is that yours is the only hand on that switch.

Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2019 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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