Precious day

We whip the steed that moves our life forward. “On to the weekend!”, “On to the holidays!”, “On to warmer/cooler weather!”, “On to our cherished vacation!” Faster and faster we beg him to go. 

We cover our ears to the faceless pleas to slow down. We steal the blinders from our racing steed and put them on our head to save us from the distractions of the mundane days passing by. We are headed to more joy and happiness.

And then quite suddenly the trusty steed disappears and all comes to a halt and even another small step is not granted. We still see the cherished prizes in the distance but they are not as close nor as vivid as they once seemed.

When the realization of what has happened comes upon us, we look backward and wish with all of our might that we could trade this day for any of those we raced mindlessly through.

Know that each and every one of our days is precious and filled with possibilities. Each one is important and not mundane. If they seem to be it is our error that we did not walk slowly into them with open eyes, open hearts and open arms. Each of our days is made up of moments and the most important one is always the present one. 

Only in this moment can the words be said, the letters written, the hand held and the kiss given and received. Only right now can we be assured of not dismissing this day as being irrelevant. It is done by being mindful of its existence.

The future will have wonders and joy and miracles. There will be laughter and comfy beds and delicious foods. There will be  surprises and there will be many things to thrill each of your senses over and over again. There will be love.

Have goals, desires and wants for your future days but never forget today. Today, right now whether you believe it or not, you have it all. Gratitude is just a realization of that truth. Enjoy.

Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2019 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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