
Let’s give thanks today (and every day) for what we have. There are an infinite number of gifts in our life that should elicit gratitude from us. 

One we often overlook is to be grateful for realizations. Realizations are those magical forces that can turn our life around, change our perspective and let us see those things that we were blind to before the realization. 

How priceless the realization that you were on the wrong path? How wonderful the realization that you were stronger than you believed? How fortunate to have the realization that you are loved? How empowering the realization that you could do it yourself? How touching comes the realization that you are alive? How powerful the realization that you can improve your health and your happiness? 

Your spirit constantly steers you in the direction of your greatest good but sometimes you close your eyes and figure that you know it all and there is nothing new to behold. “Just another day” “Same as it ever was”. 

And then comes the THUNDERCLAP! The realization hits you that you are reborn every morning and all that you touch must be renewed too. Yesterday’s “I love you” is not for today. Today’s “I love you” must be fresh and strong and new or love begins ever so slightly to fade. 

Each morning you should look at your body not with judgement but with love and gratitude for all it has allowed you to experience. 

Each morning you should look around with eyes wide open to the people in your lives, the possessions that you have enjoyed and of nature right outside your door and come to the realization that you are so very fortunate.

Each morning you must also realize it could be your last morning or the last for someone you love and to vow to be present for everyone you love and to always be present for your own continuing gift of life. 

Let all our days start with the realization that there is much to be grateful for this day.


Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2018 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

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