Step Four

Step Four – 
 Yes, you have problems. Everyone does but everyone’s problems are not necessarily your problem unless of course you are a parent or caretaker. In that case the problems of someone else are front and center in your thoughts.

You can be healthy, do yoga, eat right, help old ladies across the street and spend hours in church and you can still be a hot mess because someone you love or someone you are in charge of has problems.

How do you cope? Focus on you, your life and who and what is truly important  in your life.

​​​​​​​If you find that on top of all of the problems you are dealing with, you are getting upset about politics or anything outside of your control – Stop it!

You have enough on your plate. What is happening with your second cousin’s ex girlfriend’s brother’s next door neighbor should not take up one millisecond of your time. 

If you are sick, focus exclusively on getting better. If you are taking care of someone, get yourself in the best mental, physical and emotional shape possible and take care of them from a place of strength and clarity. If something is happening in Timbuktu or Uruguay just fuhgeddaboudit.

You are not in control of or responsible for the whole world just your world. Your world consists of yourself and those you love. 99.999 percent of your time and energy should be spent focusing on your world.

Like all of us you have a limited amount of time and energy. Where is it going? Are you giving time and energy to people who could care less? Are you giving time and energy to people who are using your time and energy and consistently giving nothing back? It may be time for a personal energy audit.

This life is short but for those who are suffering the hours are very, very long. Suffering takes many forms. People who are suffering in their minds with depression, anxiety or any other mental malady may be in more pain than someone in a cast. People with chronic illnesses rarely find even the smallest relief. 

This world is not just flowers and rainbows. It is also thorns and thunder. Always focus on yourself first and then and only then help everyone in your world. Stay strong.

Tomorrow – Step Five.

Love the Light Within. Patrick

Sundrops On Life – Better Thoughts. Better Days.


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