Step Three

Step Three – Take a Breath.
 When you came into this world the first thing that you did was take a breath and then another and you continued right up to this very moment. 

Your breath keeps your every muscle, organ, tissue and cell alive. The end of breathing is the end of physical life. “What does this have to do with fixing my problems or changing my life?” you may ask. The answer is well…everything.

​​​​​​​You can go an entire lifetime without ever attempting to consciously alter your breathing pattern and you would still live a long healthy life.

Many people have experienced panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Although they are not exactly the same, a feeling of shortness of breath is common to them both and that feeling alone is enough to make anyone feel like they are dying( no one has ever died from this). 

In times of distress our breathing feels terrifyingly out of control. The wonderful, amazing truth is that even though it may seem out of control you can control it! When you control your breathing you control your response. We have let our breathing go on autopilot for so long that we forget that we can take manual control of our breathing any time we wish.

There are a myriad number of breathing techniques. Some are thousands of years old. One of the simplest and most effective is based on the number four. 

​​​​​​​When you wish to calm yourself, focus yourself or become totally present, inhale slowly to the count of four, hold that breath for the count of four, slowly exhale to the count of four and hold that exhalation for the count of four and then repeat the whole process if needed. It’s called the Four Fours. Very, very powerful.

We cannot breathe an hour ago or an hour into the future. We can only breathe right now in the present moment. Your breath not only keeps you alive but focusing on your breath at any moment brings you into the present moment and the present moment is the only moment you have power.

Become aware of your breathing and you can successfully meditate. Become aware of your breathing and you can focus like a laser beam on anything. Become aware of your breathing and you can relax, de-stress and fall back asleep. 

When problems, a crisis or bad feelings try to take over, first thing to do is to control your breathing and after that solutions will appear. Breathe.

(I am used to writing three Sundrops every day and I will get back to that shortly. After more than twenty years of writing those, I guess I had more to share with you. Feels good. I hope it helps even a little bit.)

Step Four tomorrow. 

Love the Light Within. Patrick

Sundrops On Life – Better Thoughts. Better Days.

(c)2019 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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