
You will hear it and read it all day today. In fact, you probably have heard it and read it for a day or two already. It starts out as a small reminder and then today it builds to a crescendo. Be Thankful!  

While not everything in our life is changeable, there is so very much that is. Only some of us can change where they live or work but every one of us can change the way we react.

For more people than you can imagine, Thanksgiving is an anxiety producing event. There are people who will judge them, people who will make fun of them, people who will laud their own accomplishments over them. They will be put under a microscope and judged critically. 

My wonderful Nanny Peg, my grandmother and greatest guru, would always remind me  to “Consider the source” every time I was knocked aback by some comment. She would also remind me time after time that ” This too shall pass” and whether I carried it with me or let it go was totally up to me and no one else. 

I am very grateful today and I know that I will probably witness judgement today but I promise myself that I won’t be adding to it. I will look at each person today as if seeing them for the first time. I will not expect the same behavior from them but if they should act in the same way, I will be grateful that I have the ability to let it go.

Today will be a day of gratitude for me and I will choose to keep it bright and loving. Everything else will pass and I will take with me only the memories that brought joy to my heart.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Stand tall not small. You got this. 

Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2019 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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