Three words

There are three words that will relieve your stress, increase your strength and starve your ego.  It takes courage to say them. There were times when you were punished for saying them in school. You have been mocked, judged and labeled many times by just uttering these three words.

Yes, the price of relief may be extraordinarily high some days but persevere anyway. Don’t look down at the floor when you say them. Look someone straight in the eye and with the greatest amount of self confidence, say them. 

​​​​​​​They say that the truth will set you free and nowhere is that truer than in the utterance of these three words. It is truth and mindfulness and reality all rolled into one beautiful phrase. 

It doesn’t matter your upbringing or your station in life. In fact the higher you are regarded and the more esteemed you see yourself or are seen by others can make the utterance of these three words almost impossible.

Before you say these powerful words, your mind will start to rebel at the thought. Countless other words will be offered. Lies and subterfuge will seem as viable options. Will you give in? 

No! Not you! You are strong enough to use them. You are courageous enough to stand there and say with all honesty “I don’t know!”. Immediately you will feel the shock and disapproval. You will sense your expertise being downgraded by the second. You will see the looks of disbelief. Your ego will shout to you “Quick, make up something! Tell them you were only kidding!” but you will stand by your statement because it is the truth and you will be free.

​​​​​​​It is our failure to say “I don’t know” that leads us to lies and coverups and the ensuing stress. When we lie we then must make a catalog of our lies and constantly pass all thoughts and communication through that catalog so as not to be caught red handed lying about something.

These three words can alter your life, your relationships and your sense of self. Be honest. Be brave. Be real. Say you don’t know when you don’t know.

Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.

 Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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