Two Troubles

What is a regret? A regret is a thought about something that did or didn’t happen that pains you because you believed a different outcome would have been better.

What is worry? Worry is the false idea that you control everything and that something may slip past your all powerful control if you don’t stay totally observant of everything that may or may not happen.

What are Regret and Worry? They are two of the stupidest, most ridiculous, joy and health sapping, insane human behaviors. 

​​​​​​​These two behaviors destroy more potential happiness than any others. Regret causes us to doubt every decision we have ever made and this in turn weakens all future decisions. The thought of weak future decisions gives more strength to our worrying. A horrible cycle that dims the great light we came into this world with on the day we were born.

It doesn’t need to be this way. What has happened has happened. Dwelling on it is a very painful and unnecessary action that changes nothing. We cannot change one tiny bit of the past. We can learn from it. We can teach from our past actions and their results. We can try to make amends if we were at fault. But most importantly we can work on letting it go. We can never forget the past but we do have the power to change how often we think a particular thought. 

Worrying about what might happen is picking the worst scenario out of an infinite number of possible scenarios and making it as real as possible in our mind. Out of an infinite number of things to imagine why would we pick something that we know frightens us?

Worry and Regret are part of human nature. Whether they are a dominant part of our nature or not is up to us. We can’t change the past and we can’t control the future but we can make amazing, beneficial, joyful choices in the present. Remember, you deserve better thoughts. 

Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2019 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

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