Wake up

Some time in your past you set an alarm for the year 2020. It went off a couple of days ago and you hit the snooze button a few times.

Finally you opened your eyes and looked around and said “Are you kidding me?”. And you tried to go back to sleep but you couldn’t.

Something inside of you knew you had set that alarm for a very good reason and you just had to wake up even though you very badly wanted to whisper “Just five more years” and go back to sleep.

Up until now you had been dreaming about the good life. A life that was free of suffering, loss and anxiety. Everyone you came into contact with had come to their senses and agreed with you on everything.

But now you are sitting on the edge of the bed, looking around and it appears to be absolutely nothing like your dreams.

You are feeling more than a bit grouchy. You have been plucked out of eden and placed in some kind of a bad movie. 

But have you?

Yes, the alarm went off and like all alarms it signaled that it was time to stop sleeping and get to work. What you see when you look around now is not a bad movie but work that needs to be done.

“But there’s no security here. I could be gone at any time” you say.

Correct! And that’s why time is of the essence. 

” But, but where do I start?” you ask.

Right where you are.

“On the edge of the bed?”

Exactly! Get your head and your heart in alignment before you take a step. Wisdom and compassion are a powerful combination.

“But I don’t want to. I want to go back to sleep”.

Not possible. You are waking up and everything, including you, is going forward not backward.

“But what am I supposed to do? No one told me anything.”

No one has to tell you. Your spirit has all the directions. All you have to do is trust. 

“But I want to be in charge of my life!” 

You absolutely are. Just follow your spirit and not your ego. 

“How do I know the difference?”

Your ego puts you first and your spirit puts your work first.

“What’s my work?” 

To love.

“Like Valentine’s Day?”

No. Like every day. 
Your work is to Love yourself by taking care of yourself.
Your work is to create a loving environment in your home and everywhere you are.
Your work is to be a positive, uplifting example. 
Your work is to stop judging without criticizing others who judge.
Your work is to seek to understand.
Your work is to always choose the better thoughts.

” OMG! That’s a ton of work!”

Yes it is. Now get your butt out of bed and start. 
I’ll make the coffee. 

Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2020 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride 


Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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