
When they say you have to reach down inside yourself for courage or when they say you have to look inside for the answers or when they say you have to go inside to find the real you, where is this “inside”? 

You have seen enough anatomy pictures to realize that a person’s innards can’t talk or produce any meaningful responses to your queries. When the poets and philosophers  say look into your heart do they mean that somewhere amidst all the blood and valves and pumping there is a sign of love or truth?

​​​​​​​Let’s be truthful. No one knows where the answers, the insights or the bliss is located. We say look inside because we are very, very sure that it is not outside of us. Using all of our senses, it just doesn’t register with any of them. Then where is it?

We know that love, courage and insight do exist but we don’t want to attribute it to the spirit world because well, you know, that stuff is weird and unproven and unscientific. And besides have you ever been with someone who talks about that stuff being real. The woo-woo meter goes off the charts!

Newsflash -all that stuff is real! You and I are mostly spirit or soul or chi or ki or whatever way you want to label it. We are spiritual beings first and foremost. (Oh-Oh, the woo woo meter is redlining!) Yes, your courage, intuition, and insight among many, many other things are directly from your spirit self. You draw upon it as necessary. Flashes of inspiration are new to us but old hat to our spirit self. 

We have been duped into believing that the things we that we cannot measure or see or feel are simply imagination at best. So, we accept and cling to the only accepted, unmeasurable, invisible avenue socially available to us, religion. 

We have a hunger for spiritual answers and a hunger for a connection with something greater than ourselves. Wouldn’t it be amusing if something greater than ourselves turned out to be just a different part of us?

(I’ll be posting this as usual on our Facebook page -Sundrops on Life. Please go there and let’s have a conversation on this subject.)

​​​​​​​Sundrops On Life -Better Thoughts. Better Days.
(c)2018 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride 


Facebook – Sundrops On Life


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