
April 13th, 2015

Can you feel good when you are feeling bad? It is vitally important to your growth to feel bad when you are feeling bad. To try to sugar coat loss or betrayal or hurt is counter productive to growth and learning.To stand in quicksand and visualize that you are standing on a sandy beach in the Caribbean is foolish at best.

When something hurts, acknowledge that hurt. Take some time to ascertain if there is anything you could have done to avoid the hurt. Take some time to ascertain what is to be learned from this hurt. Take some time to ascertain when and where your healing should commence and then act upon those answers.

Every physical hurt from a paper cut to major surgery will, if you stay alive, heal. Every mental and emotional hurt will, if you stay alive, heal. The key words here are “if you stay alive”.

Staying alive is not just having a pulse. There are plenty of people walking around with a pulse but are not really living. Staying alive means that you feel everything but you are selective in what feelings you hold on to for a long time. Feelings of hurt have lessons that last forever but all hurt has an expiration date. To hold onto a hurt past its expiration spoils staying alive.

Feel the hurt, feel the pain, feel your world upended. Feel it fully and completely. Accept the gift of growth. Make the necessary changes and move on. Having been hurt says I have lived. Letting go says I am stronger than any hold that any hurt has on me.

(c)2015 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life



August 8th, 2011

Ut ameris, amabilis esto!
If you want to be loved, be lovable!
Every time we are hurt, we put another row of bricks on top of the ones that are already there. We believe that the wall we built wasn’t able to keep out the hurt so we’ll go a little higher. We think of it as protection but it’s really burying us.

There is no wall, no bricks, no material in the universe that will protect us from hurt. It is a part of every life. Useless? Not by a long shot. Hurt is the birthplace of compassion. Hurt is the litmus paper by which love is tested. Hurt lets us know just how strong we really are. Hurt tests our faith like nothing else can. Hurt allows us to connect with every being on the planet for there is none who will escape hurt of one form or another.

Why is a baby so lovable? It is because he or she hasn’t been hurt yet. There’s no wall built yet. There’s no hiding from the world. There is just openness. We are told to “Become like children” if we wish to be rewarded. Can you? Can you tear down your wall? Can you say to the world “I’m as strong as they come. I’ve been through hell and back. I don’t need no stinking wall?”

Your spirit is invincible. Always was and always will be. Identify with that part of you. When you tear down your wall, when you open yourself up regardless of the consequences, only then can you love fully and only then can you be fully loved. Vulnerable? You can handle it. You are invincible and most importantly….. incredibly lovable!

(C) 2011 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride