
June 1st, 2015

No matter how honest, transparent and authentic we may believe we are, in truth we are all actors. We act differently in front of our parents. We act differently with our best friends. We act differently with our boss or teachers or strangers. Let’s face it, we act differently with different people.

How about conditions? Do you think you act the same way when you haven’t had enough sleep or when you don’t feel well or when you are upset?

How about the positives? Do you think you act the same when you are in love or when you are praised or when you win a game?

Most of our acting happens unconsciously. Somebody says or does something and once that button is pushed we act in a certain way. Our thoughts and emotions can trigger a complete change in how we act in mere seconds.

None of this is wrong. It is just the way human beings act every day BUT if all is acting than all is changeable. Like suddenly being handed a different script or a different prompt, we can act differently in any moment we consciously choose to make a change.

We are not puppets of our programming. They are merely our default settings. The truth is we can act any way we want to at any given time and circumstance. That’s right, we can actually choose how we act.

​ If you don’t like the feeling of how you are acting, change it right now. If you do you will begin to understand what liberation really means. You are free the moment you begin to consciously choose. Welcome to choice. It is all yours.

(c)2015 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life



April 6th, 2015

Imagine that you are an actor and you are performing the part of an English king in the 1500’s. You are doing well. The other actors and the audience love you.

One day the director walks in and hands you a new script for a new play where you play a young adult in a suburban family.

Opening night and you come on dressed like a English king in the 1500’s and you start screaming for your royal court.

Within minutes the other actors and the audience dislike you and the director fires you. Why?

Because you took something that worked really well in the past and you tried to force it to work exactly like that again.

What worked yesterday might not work today. What worked with one person or one situation might not work with other people or other situations. Treat every moment with the wisdom gained from your past but with the eagerness and the open eyes and open heart of a brilliant child.

Each morning a brand new play starts for you. One day it’s a play about love. The next day will be an adventure, then another day tears and then another day laughter. Watch for the signs from the Director and remember that no two days are ever the same. If you treat them as the same, you’ll turn it into a comedy for who ever is watching.

(c)2015 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride

Facebook – Sundrops On Life