
February 17th, 2010

You wanted something with all of your heart. You pictured it in your mind. You said prayers. You surrounded it with positive energy. You kept all doubt out of your mind and you expected it…..and it didn’t happen. In fact it didn’t happen even worse than you could have thought had you allowed yourself to think how bad it could have turned out but of course you didn’t because you were so sure that if you stuck to your no doubt mentality it would happen the way you wanted it to. What happened?
Being absolutely, positively focused on something does not make you God. There is no secret ritual that can guarantee that what you want comes about exactly as you planned every single time.
You do have the ability to greatly influence what comes into your life but because you don’t know everything about everything you were not put in charge of everything! Learn to celebrate the good things that you believe you brought into your life but learn to accept the things that God has brought into your life even if they conflict with what you wanted.
Many times we fight to hold on to a beautiful piece of cut glass unaware the Somebody is trying to take it away so that it can be replaced with a diamond.

©2010 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


You are great!

January 1st, 2010

Happy New Year! I wanted to take this moment and let you know that you are standing on the threshold of the very best time of your life. All that you have read and studied, all that you have dreamed and fantasized about, all that you have been taught by two legged teachers and four legged teachers and by experience and tears has been to fully equip you for this wonderful time. You are ready. Get rid of your doubts again and again and again. Walk your beliefs. Breathe your beliefs. Be your beliefs. You know what you want and you know what is right and good for you. Bring joy and consciousness to everything that you do. Don’t expect everything you do to bring consciousness and joy to you! You are and always have been a generator of love and joy. TURN UP THE VOLUME. Fill your life with what feels right to you. Acknowledge your problems but spend ALL of your time and energy on the solutions not on the problems.
The clarion call has gone out and it’s playing reveille! It’s time to wake up and create your joy and it’s time to let any and all negatives pass right by you like leaves in the wind. Forget the leaves! You’re after the bloomin’ flowers! Love and Blessings, Patrick