This is It!!

June 14th, 2010

This is it! This is the very moment that starts the rest of your life. You’ve waited for a special moment when you could start putting into practice everything you have read and studied and wished. You have wanted to start acting more confident. You have wanted to be more positive. You have wanted to not let the little things upset you. You have wanted to be more peaceful. You have wanted to start bringing more abundance into your life. Well, this is it. This is precisely the moment when it all starts. There never was a moment as perfect for beginning as this one.

In order to begin all that is necessary is for you to take your thoughts off auto pilot and put them on manual control. Once on manual, you will start thinking only those thoughts that enhance your well being. Thoughts of fear-gone! Thoughts of lack-gone! Thoughts of sickness-gone! Thoughts of weakness- gone, gone, gone!! Thoughts of strength-Hello! Thoughts of abundance- Glad to have you back! Thoughts of wellness – I missed you! Thoughts of spirituality- welcome back!
The next few weeks won’t be easy as you turn your life and your thoughts around. Concentrate on the successes and not the slip ups. Refocus as quick as you can on joy and love especially for yourself. Let’s get started!!

©2010 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


Let go of the past

June 7th, 2010

No matter how much we would like to change or fix something in the past, it is truly impossible. The past is written in cement and that cement has dried and set. What good then are regrets and remorse and self punishment? NONE!! They serve absolutely no positive influence on your present or on your future. They can, however, be used as guilt whips by yourself or another.
As soon as you find the strength to drop your own guilt whip , they will also disappear from the hands of others. What you have come to peace with in your own self cannot be used against you by anyone else.
A life without regrets does not mean a life without consequences. You are responsible for each and every one of your actions but once the lesson is learned, let it go. There is no reason to carry around and to keep rereading the test that you failed.
You can’t rewrite the past but you can rewrite your plans for your future based on your past. Plan to be a more loving person than you have ever been. Plan to be happier than you have ever been. Plan to help others more than you ever have. Perfection can only be found inside of you. Outside, there will be a test failure every now and then. Learn and release.
As I told a dear friend yesterday, you have not screwed up – you have lived!

c 2010 All Rights Reserved, Patrick McBride


You are great!

January 1st, 2010

Happy New Year! I wanted to take this moment and let you know that you are standing on the threshold of the very best time of your life. All that you have read and studied, all that you have dreamed and fantasized about, all that you have been taught by two legged teachers and four legged teachers and by experience and tears has been to fully equip you for this wonderful time. You are ready. Get rid of your doubts again and again and again. Walk your beliefs. Breathe your beliefs. Be your beliefs. You know what you want and you know what is right and good for you. Bring joy and consciousness to everything that you do. Don’t expect everything you do to bring consciousness and joy to you! You are and always have been a generator of love and joy. TURN UP THE VOLUME. Fill your life with what feels right to you. Acknowledge your problems but spend ALL of your time and energy on the solutions not on the problems.
The clarion call has gone out and it’s playing reveille! It’s time to wake up and create your joy and it’s time to let any and all negatives pass right by you like leaves in the wind. Forget the leaves! You’re after the bloomin’ flowers! Love and Blessings, Patrick